Bing Eats Away at Google and Yahoo
It appears that the evolution introduced by with the move from Live Search to Bing is paying off. The Redmond company introduced Bing in a move designed to grab market share from Google and Yahoo, and according to the latest statistics made public by Internet metrics companies comScore and Nielsen, Microsoft is doing just that. According to both firms Bing is on an ascendant path and has crossed the 10% milestone. While the results posted differ slightly, the general trend of Bing is positive, with the search/decision engine convincing more and more users to leverage it for their queries.
“In November 2009, Americans conducted 14.4 billion core searches, with Google Sites accounting for 65.6% search market share, up slightly from 65.4% in October. Microsoft Sites grabbed 10.3% market share, up 0.4 percentage points versus October,” revealed comScore. “Google Sites led the U.S. core search market in November with 65.6% of the searches conducted, followed by Yahoo! Sites (17.5%), and Microsoft Sites (10.3%). Ask Network captured 3.8% of the search market, followed by AOL LLC with 2.8%.”
According to comScore Google all but stagnated between October and November 2009, while Yahoo managed to drop from 18.0% to 17.5%. In the same period, Bing’s share of the search engine market grew from 9.9% to 10.3%. On the US market, Google grabbed 9.5 billion searches in November, Yahoo just 2.5 billion and Bing 1.5 billion.
The Nielsen Company credits Bing with no less than 10.7% of the search engine market, just over 1 billion searches. According to the statistics provided by Nielsen, Bing jumped 1% from October, when it accounted for a share of just 9.7% of the market. Nielsen put Yahoo at 15.3% at the end of November, down from 15.4% the previous month, and Google at 65.4%, a consistent drop from 66.1% in October, which apparently went to Bing.
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